Friday, May 1, 2015

27 week update and secret surprise!

I know folks. It took me 27 weeks to start blogging pregnancy updates. But I have been surprised at how fast the time has flown by!
**If you're bored by random prego facts you probably won't enjoy this portion**
First of all, it has been so incredible to hear all of the love and encouragement from our friends and family during this time. We are so incredibly blessed to be welcoming our sweet baby girl and we wouldn't change a thing. :) we have honestly learned so much already and are so thankful that God has a perfect plan that we get to discover along the way! 
This pregnancy has been pretty manageable so far. I was only sick a little bit in the evenings at the beginning and other than being tired and sore and having a bladder the size of a quarter it has been great! I started feeling her move around week 21 and I love watching my belly jump around. 😍 
So here is a quick rundown of a few things I have learned in the past 27 weeks:
1. Mommy guilt is a real thing.
.... And it starts early. Honestly the amount of internal pain I have inflicted on myself after eating a Reese's cup is ridiculous. It's all about balance and that is a lesson best learned early.
2. Everybody has an opinion.
.... And loves to share it. Cloth diaper or disposable? Breastfeed or formula? Vaccinate or not? The list goes on and on. 
3. I can't worry about everyone else.
This has been the biggest lesson of all. 

Anyway. Enough rambling. This has been and will continue to be one of the biggest growing experiences in my life! God is so good and we could not be more thankful and amazed by his incredible blessings! 

And now. The pictures. 
9 weeks.

Yea, taking advantage of that.

16 weeks.

We had the ultrasound tech write down the gender and opened it together at dinner! It was so special to find out together, just the two of us. :)

It's the truth. 😘

Crib building!

I will do my best to update more! Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me this long. 😂😘

Xoxo Rachel


  1. I love you Rachie!!!! And I love your bump!!!

  2. New post! Yay!! (But why does it say May 1st? I check your blog, like, every 5 minutes and this is the first time I've seen this. I know, I know: not that important....but WHY?!)

    Love all the pictures, and love YOU! Can't wait to hug your neck THIS WEEK! xoxo

    1. Also, be forewarned that I'm going to need your belly to myself for as long as it takes for me to feel Baby Girl move. So set aside time for that. #notkidding #priorities
