Saturday, January 24, 2015

Back in the swing.

Woah. Cannot believe it has taken me this long to write my second blog post! So much has happened since August. George and I found a church that we love, I found a job, George got A's through his first trimester of medical school, we celebrated the holidays in Florida and Virginia and are now settling back into normal everyday life. It has been a busy but exciting whirlwind. :) God has blessed us with an incredible church family and sweet sweet friends. At least once a day we talk about the fact that we live a very blessed life! The theme for the last few months has been the sovereignty of God. We reallyphave been learning that God's way is always the best way. :) 
Here are a few photos from our recent adventures!
Beka came for a visit!
Early Christmas! Our first Christmas together. :)
George met Brookie for the first time!
Celebrated with Charity and Greg!
New Years in Fairfax!


  1. Love all the pictures! Love firsts together...especially first Christmases! Love that cute wrapping paper! Love my sweet little niece-y! Love your beautiful, beautiful face!

  2. Yay! I love this and I love that we made it in your blog! :) miss you and love you more XOXO

  3. So Lovey, I think you should do a weekly Baby Bump update on the blog. =) Just a suggestion from your facebook-less friend who wants to see that belly GROW! Love you!

    Also, I don't know if you've seen anywhere, but I started a blog a few weeks ago.

  4. So here is a super-fun and super-easy blog post. You should do it. ;) Love you!
    P.S. I want belly pics!!
